
DSCN2899  Big Ben DSCN2900  Westminster DSCN2906  Westminster Abbey DSCN2907  The Old Cock Tavern
DSCN2918  Tower Bridge DSCN2921  Tower Bridge approach DSCN2924  Tower Bridge DSCN2939  The London Eye
DSCN3005  Westminster DSCN2940  County Hall DSCN2972  Where? Hampton Court ? DSCN2980  Hampton Court
DSCN2995  Thames late afternoon DSCN2996  London's Tallest Building DSCN2997  Along the Thames DSCN2998  Thames in the afternoon
DSCN2999  Sailing along the Thames DSCN3006  London Eye DSCN3007  Big Ben int he afternoon DSCN2979  Hampton Court
IMG 3530  Lunch with Linda IMG 3549  Trafalgar Square IMG 3535  Browsing the antiques IMG 3556  Walkabout with Linda
IMG 3569  Back in Burleigh ? IMG 3570  In Trafalgar Square IMG 3634  Hampton Court IMG 3636  Boat trip back from Hampton Court
IMG 3571  We were there! IMG 3632  In the rain at Hampton Court IMG 3618  At the Angel Pub with Linda IMG 3619  Breakfast at the Hotel
IMG 3637  Boat on the Thames NokiaLondon142  Battersea power Station IMG 3661  Disgusting lunch at Hampton Court IMG 3659  Hampton Court in the rain
IMG 3664  Tavistock Square IMG 3657  The great grapevine of Hampton Court IMG 3658  The grapes ! NokiaLondon095  The greatest Vine
NokiaLondon007  They do still exist NokiaLondon021  At the Kings Arms for lunch NokiaLondon024  The Kings Arms NokiaLondon049  Train to Hampton Court
NokiaLondon058  Hampton Court NokiaLondon085  Hampton Court NokiaLondon162  London Street NokiaLondon103  Hampton Court on a rainy day.
NokiaLondon010  The BIg Bus tour NokiaLondon018  Big Bus Sight Seeing NokiaLondon039  National Gallery NokiaLondon060  Hampton Court Gardens
NokiaLondon063  Gardens at Hampton Court WP 20170831 08 21 11 Pro  Getting ready to leave London for the Hebridean Sky